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Placement Procedures

Student placement is a thoughtful process that involves time and input from parents/guardians, classroom teachers and other school staff and administrators.  The placement team (which includes the child’s current teacher) reviews academic progress, interpersonal relationships, gender, medical needs and specialized instruction.  The team makes the final class placement decision.

Parents have the opportunity to give input into the process by providing written information through our parent profile sheet.  These forms are usually distributed after April vacation. They serve two purposes: one, they inform the placement committee of the parent’s thoughts and understanding of the child as a learner, and secondly, they provide your child’s new teacher-with as much information as possible regarding your child as a learner.  We are unable to honor any requests from parents regarding a specific teacher selection.  It would be impossible for us to honor such requests.  We believe that every teacher at Longfellow Elementary School works hard to know and understand the children in their classroom.  We work closely with families to support any needs or issues that arise, always placing the best interests of our students first.  If for some reason a child and a teacher spend one year together in a two-year cycle and families continue to feel that the match is not working in the best interest of the child, a request can be made in the spring for a different classroom placement for the following year.  This request should be made in writing to the school principal.  It is not necessary to cite a reason for the change in placement to occur.  In addition, a parent can request that no other children in that family be placed in that teacher’s classroom.

Further information about specific placement procedures is made available to parents in the spring.  Please contact the principal if you have any other questions.