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Before and After School Child Care Programs

After School Enrichment Clubs
Offerings may include sports, arts and crafts, board games, writing, cooking, yoga, acting/improve, computer skills, etc. Information will be available in the newsletter throughout the year as the classes are scheduled. The cost will be free or extremely low cost if there are materials involved. The PTO or appropriate teacher will send information home as programs are scheduled.

Intramural Athletics
Before and after school athletic programs are offered throughout the year for 3rd, 4th and 5th grade students. These include soccer, basketball, floor hockey, volleyball, ultimate frisbee and track.  Games are held from 3:00 – 3:00 p.m. four to five days per week.  The emphasis is on fun, exercise, and sportsmanship.  Announcements of these opportunities are posted on the gymnasium door and game schedules are available to all participants.

Library Media Center
The library media center is open each day from 7:25 a.m. – 2:20 p.m.  Students may exchange books, conduct research, or read before and after school each day.

Math Team
This is an optional program for fifth grade students with an interest in mathematics.  The team meets weekly.

In kindergarten through 5th grade students have general music once a week as part of their regular curriculum.  In fourth grade, students have an additional option of chorus and/or strings offered once a week. In fifth grade, students have the options of chorus, strings, and/or band. Chorus can meet before and/or after school and sometimes during one lunch recess time (varies year to year), and strings is a pullout program during the regular school day.  In fifth grade students may choose between band and strings, with each area offered as part of the regular school day two times per week. The structure of this program changes annually depending on numbers.  While most instruments must be rented privately, the school may provide a select few. 

Odyssey of the Mind
Teams of elementary school students work together to stretch their thinking skills via team performances and spontaneous responses.  Teams are coached by parents and compete in regional competitions each spring. Parent leadership and interest each year defines these programs.  Contact the PTO president if you have interest or questions about Odyssey of the Mind. 

Portland Parks and Recreation Program
At Longfellow School the Portland Parks and Recreation’s Before and After the Bell Program provides an opportunity for children to participate in structured and supervised activities.  The Before School Program begins at 6:30 a.m. and ends at 8:10 a.m.  The After School Program begins at 2:20 p.m. and ends at 6:00 p.m. More information can be obtained by calling 808-5400.  Sign-up is required and a fee is charged.  Families should use the parking lot entrance for the Recreation Program.

Many of these offerings are contingent on annual funding and staffing.